Monday, September 30, 2019

Marjane Satrapi – Persepolis

Marjane Satrapi’s book Persepolis is alternatively called by the critics a â€Å"graphic novel† or an autobiographical comic sketch. The book is made up of a series of black and white illustrations, arranged in little episodes that represent different scenes from the life of Marjane’s family, in Tehran. It begins immediately after the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979 and continues with the first four years of the war between Iraq and Iran. The main character in the story is Marjane herself, who is ten years old when the revolution starts. Although both the language of the novel and the illustrations are very simple and straightforward, only revealing the essential facts of the story, the book is nevertheless very effective and delivers its message as well as any other text. The scarcity of text doesn’t cut down on its literary value, on the contrary, the book seems to gain a lot from this brief and report-like writing style. The main reason for this is the fact that the author creates a sharp contrast between the objective, documentary style, with its brief sentences and its matter-of- fact information and the personal narrative that is actually conveyed to the reader. The subjective point of view in the book is only hinted at in an apparently impersonal tone. Moreover, Marjane Satrapi intentionally substitutes the ten years old girl for herself, and thus manages to register her reaction as a child to the religious and political movements in Iran. The girl actually grows as a character by the end of the book, passing, like any character of fiction, from one stage to another in her development. This is achieved mainly through the careful notation of the child’s reactions to every event mentioned in the book. Although all the statements in the novel seem unbiased, Marjane Satrapi succeeds in conveying her own message as if she had written a truly subjective and explanatory narrative of her experiences. Although very succinctly, the book captures the absurdities of the fundamentalist movement in Marjane’s country, with the array of social and political transformations that took place afterwards. All this is done in an ironic tone, although again, the writing style remains unornamented. One by one the main social and political problems are displayed, from the dispute around the subject of the veil that the women have to wear all the time, according to the fundamentalists, to the closing of the all bilingual schools and of all universities for two years, or the closing of the American embassy because of the attacks of the religious fanatics. The author cleverly unmasks the backward views of the new political regime, who was capable of closing the schools so as to ward off the â€Å"dangerous† capitalist ideas that were cultivated there: â€Å"The educational system and what is written in schoolbooks, at all levels, are decadent. Everything needs to be revised to ensure that our children are not led astray.† (Satrapi, 25) At the same time that the crucial events of going on in the country are related (mostly in the form of television reports, as the family actually found out the news probably), there are also many events that involve the family as well, like the women’s protest against fundamentalism and â€Å"the veil†, which is rapidly suppressed by the political forces, or the attack that the girl’s mother suffers on the street because she doesn’t wear the veil. Society also changes, and the parents of the girl note that the same people who engaged in usual â€Å"liberal† activities before, like wearing â€Å"modern† clothes or drinking, suddenly change these habits outwardly and start lying. The moment when Marjane’s mother tells her to tell everyone that all she does at home is pray is very ironical: â€Å"If anyone asks you what you do during the day, you say pray, you understand?†(Satrapi, 29) In very few words and illustrations, Satrapi manages to portray the Iranian society after the Islamic Revolution, with its insincerity and fear of persecution. All through the book, Marjane evolves by reacting to the environment that surrounds her and by understanding new things. The author carefully transcribes her reactions: for example, during first episode or â€Å"The Veil†, the girl remarks that she â€Å"really didn’t know what to think about the veil† (Satrapi, 2), capturing thus the dilemma and confusion of the child, who although deeply religious, was at the same time used to the modern ways of her family. Other reactions and feelings are registered in the book, like the dream of the girl to become a prophet, or the moment when the family comes back from Spain to find out that the war had begun in Iran, and Marjane experiences a feeling of patriotism, and discovers that she wanted to fight for her country. Her desire to become a chemist like Marie Currie follows, and then more rebellious years as an adolescent who listens to American music. All these examples and many more, manage to portray ten years old Marjane as a strong character who is able keeps her views in the midst of the general confusion and fear, and to cope with the war and violence that surrounded them. The book makes a good literary work especially because of the personal voice of Marjane, which although it is not really heard as such, vibrates through the ironic and objective style. The genre that Satrapi creates is thus at once documentary because it is true and autobiographic, and literary, since as all literary works, it manages to convey much more than can be read at the surface of the text Works Cited: Satrapi, Marjane. Persepolis. New York: Pantheon Books, 2003

Sunday, September 29, 2019

International Student Identity Essay

Identity is sort of behaviour that can be symbolized by individual or communities by showing how they interact to each other and how they represent their culture of origin. These essay will discuss and analyse some theories of indentity through culture and languange views and then show the reader how these lense might influence international student identity. The structure of essay will be organised as follows; First of all, introduction will explain an overview of it. This is followed by describing the theory of identity. The next section is about discussion of identity by using culture and language focuses. Furthermore, writer will explain the impact of new culture and language to international student’s current and future experience. Finally, a conslusion paragraph will be the final section of the essay. What is Identity? In last three decades, the theory of identity evolves continously. According to Borowski (1976, 501), identity does not have a definite concept. Many scholars explore what identity is. For example, in his paper, Burke and Reitzes (1981) summarise the work of McCall and Simmons (1966), Stryker (1968), and Burke and Tully (1977) to divide the concept of identity in three unique characteristics that are, identities are produced by society, identities are personal sense, and identities are spontaneous and representational character. This distinctive feature is obtained by an individual throughout childhood period to become his/her fundamental character (Sokefeld et. al. 1999, 2). Later on, Fearon (1999, 4) broadly explains that identity of a person can be defined as social identity (a person is recognised by â€Å"rules deciding membership and performed characteristic features or attributes†) and personal category (special feature, might be permanent, that make a person is looked important by society). Furthermore, Hall (1990, 222) argues that the theories of identity keep to be produced, â€Å"which is never complete, always in process and always constituted within, not outside, representation† In addition, there are still challenges to identity theory to have obvious meanings that related to self and society (Stryker and Burke 2000, 284). Culture Identity According to archaeological term (SAA 2008), culture means â€Å"a set of learned beliefs, values and behaviours the way of life shared by the members of a society. † It is performed because there is relationship between each of members (Ferdman 1990, 186). They usually gather in a group of society. For example, if some Javanese people (one of Indonesian ethnics) live outside of Indonesia, they tend to live in a place where other Javanese live. They interact with each other and applying Javanese’s values that they have before. These dispositions maintain and develop their values and applying it in their daily living. Other people who are not a member of that society might look this mind-set as culture identity of that society. In addition, Hall (1990, 229) argues that cultural identities are the special character that emerge from history and culture. For instance, culture identities of England and Ireland are quite same, because they have similar history and culture. Cultural identity represents individual or group’s behaviour. According to Kochman (1987, 220 cited in Ferdman 1990, 190), cultural identity can be represented by ethnic and indirect link between an individual and the group. It has main value that the beliefs and act becomes a symbol of the group, and the member realise that he/she has direct relationship with the most important and unique part of their culture (Smolic 1981, 75-77 cited in Ferdman 1990, 190) . This value is simple, however its â€Å"malleability, imprecision, and multivocality†, make cultural identity become complicated (Cohen 1993, 202). Furthermore, it can be influenced by anything because of cultural identity is unstable (Hall 1990, 229). Language Identity Language is generally used when people interact to each other. Yihong et. al. (2005, 39) state that language is not just to communicate, but It associated with culture which create one’s self-identity. Moreover, it represents the identity of a society (Miller 2000, 69). For example, International students from Indonesia, Middle East countries, or China, will speak by using their native language when they interact to student from same country. Indonesian language, Arabic language, Mandarin or Cantonese languages are their identity. People might know who they are by listening to their conversation. Language and identity can not be separated. Scholars argue that language use and identity is inherent with social practices and membership (Miller 2000, 69). He also affirms that self-representation is a product of language use and identity (Miller 2000, 69). How person speaks, what type of vocabularies, represent the identity of the speaker. For instance, a truck driver will not use same language as a Professor use, and a postgraduate student has different style of language that high school student does. Even though they have same mother tongue, such as English, they speak differently because they come from different society. Their identity shows what and how they differ. International Student Identity People who pursue their study to overseas’ university will have new identity as international student. They become member of student society. During study, each individual enacts its duty as student (Fearon 1999, 19). A student can be seen by another member of society as college student, or the other way around. Furthermore, he or she may establish a self-identity embedded with academic consequences (Reitzes and Burke 1982 cited in Reitzes and Burke 1991, 243). By representing their new identity, they should study hard, submit the assignment on time, do some examinations, interact to other students and lecturer, and so on. Being international student in Australia, a person who comes from country which has different culture and language use will do some adjustments related with culture and language. He or she should accustom with Australian or western culture, and using English language more frequent. These adjustments may be done to make his or her study successful and to make their live during here easy. For instance, using English language to communicate to another student from different country and lecturer or tutor is a must; otherwise he or she can not interact. Another illustration is when he or she has group assignment which requires working with Australian student or western countries’ student. Possibly, Australian people is very common with assertive behaviour (Putnis and Petelin 2007, 3. 3), which can annoy him or her. Instead of the study group is unsuccessful, acceptation to this behaviour should be considered, since it has positive impact to the group. Postgraduate student identity It is very interesting for me to deal with new culture. I have to make a lot of adjustments while I am here. For example, I should say â€Å"thank you† to the bus driver to show my politeness and appreciation. It might be sort of Australian culture which is unusual attitude in my country. Another case is about calling a lecturer or someone who has higher position than me just by mentioning his or her first name. For the first time, it is so unfamiliar for me, because in Indonesia, I have to call them by saying ‘Mr’ or ‘Mrs’ before their name. In spite of the example above, I am very surprised to know that drinking alcohol and get drunk is frequently done by most of Australian people. They always do this thing every week end. Using English as new constraint language in the university is a remarkable thing for me. All things that related with my study are in English. At the beginning, it is quite difficult for me to be used to English language, because English is not my first or second language. However, I must try hard to improve my English, by speaking and interacting more often with other native or international student. After all, now I feel my self-representation changes. According to (Yihong et. al. 2005, 39-40), I am in the level of â€Å"self confidence change and additive change. â€Å" As a postgraduate student, to establish reading habit and critical thinking are also new culture for me. To do my assignment well, all problems should be keen evaluated and analytically critiqued (Atkinson and Longman 2003 cited in Davies and Maldoni). They also suggest that critical thinking can be established by doing a lot of reading. For example, I need to read a lot of references to support my opinion in a discussion essay. Impact to my future There are many Australian cultures which can influence my self identity. However, I have to sort whether it will be positive or negatif impact for me. For the negatif one, such as drinking alcohol habit, I will not allow my self to be influenced by that thing. On the other hand, assertive behaviour and the way how Australian people appreciate someone else will give the positive impact for me. In the future, my self will be more assertive and will appreciate people more. Another good impact for me is high level of English proficiency. Practising english everyday will make non-native speaker highly confident (Yihong et. al. 2005, 39-40). Conclusion The concept of identity still changes and many experts try to formulate the suitable definition of identity. New culture and language use which faced by international student will affect to their self identity. These new lenses might have positive or negative impact to them. They will have high self-confidence in interacting to another people. However, they should make a choice to absorb whether native culture is acceptable to be used as their self-representation or not. Reference Borowski, E. J. 1976. Identity and Personal Identity. Mind. 85 (340) : 481-502. http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=00264423%28197610%292%3A85%3A340%3C481%3AIAPI%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-L (accessed at 24 March 2008). Burke, P. J. and D. C. Reitzes. 1981. The link between identity and role performance Social Psychology Quarterly. 44 (2) : 83-92. http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=01902725%28198106%2944%3A2%3C83%3ATLBIAR%3E2. 0. CO%3B2 (accessed at 20 March 2008). Cohen, A. P. 1993. Culture as identity: An anthropologist’s view. New Literary History. 24 (1): 195-209. http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=00286087%28199324%2924%3A1%3C195%3ACAIAAV%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-R (accessed at 27 March 2008). Davies, A. and A. Maldoni. Meeting the Needs of International Postgraduate Students: Modifying the EAP Curriculum for Masters Preparation Programs. http://www. englishaustralia. com. au/index. cgi? E=hcatfuncs&PT=sl&X=getdoc&Lev1=pub_c05_07&Lev2=c04_davie. (accessed at 27 March 2008). Fearon, J. D. 1999. What is identity (as we now use the word). Department of Political Science. Stanford University. http://www. stanford. edu/~jfearon/papers/iden1v2. pdf (accessed at 24 March 2008). Ferdman, B. M. 1990. Literacy and Cultural Identity. Harvard Educational Review. 60 (2): 181. Academic Research Library. http://eric. ed. gov/ERICWebPortal/custom/portlets/recordDetails/detailmini. jsp ?_nfpb=true&_&ERICExtSearch_SearchValue_0=EJ408106&ERICExtSearch_SearchType_0=no&accno=EJ408106. (accessed at 27 March 2008). Hall, S. 1990. Culture Identity and Diaspora. http://www. lwbooks. co. uk/ReadingRoom/public/IdentityDiaspora. pdf. (accessed at 27 March 2008). Kagan, H. and Cohen, J. 1990. Cultural adjustment of international students. Psychological Science. 1 (2): 133-137. http://www. blackwell-synergy. com. ezp02. library. qut. edu. au/doi/abs/10. 1111/j. 1467-9280. 1990. tb00082. x (accessed at 27 March 2008). Miller, J. M. 2000. Language use, identity, and social interaction: migrant students in Australia. Research on Language & Social Interaction. 33(1): 69-100. http://dx. doi. org/10. 1207/S15327973RLSI3301_3. (accessed 7 March 2008). Putnis P. and R. Petelin. 2007. Improving personal communication. In QCD210/220/211 book of readings. Brisbane: Queensland University of Technology. Stryker, S. and Burke, P. J. 2000. The past, present, and future of an identity theory. Social Psychology Quarterly. 63 (4) : 284-297. http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=0190-2725%28200012%2963%3A4%3C284%3ATPPAFO%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-G. (accessed at 24 March 2008). Society for American Archaeology. 1996. http://www. saa. org/publications/sampler/terms. html (accessed at 27 March 2008). Sokefeld, M. , Chaudhary, M. A. , Driessen, H. , Ewing, K. P. , Fuchs. , Gellner, D. N. , Haley, B. D. , et al. 1999. Debating self, identity, and culture in anthropology (and comments and reply). Current Anthropology. 40 (4): 417-447. http://links. jstor. org/sici? sici=00113204%28199908%2F10%2940%3A4%3C417%3ADSIACI%3E2. 0. CO%3B2-5 (accessed at 27 March 2008) Yihong, G. , Ying, C. , Yuan, Z. , and Yan Z. 2005. Self-identity changes and English learning among Chinese undergraduates. World Englishes. 24 (1):

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The war on drugs (Golden Triangle) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The war on drugs (Golden Triangle) - Essay Example The Golden Triangle is an area specified in the Southeast Asia which consists of an area which is 367,000 square miles and overlaps four of Asia’s countries. This area has been known for the most extensive opium producing areas in the entire world since the 1920’s. The production and the supply of most of the drugs are made from this area since decades. The area contains a number of industries comprising of many business dealings made from all around the world in this centre. All kinds of drugs and heroine is produced and transported from this area to different parts of the world. These drugs are also smuggled through illegal methods (Woodiwiss‎, 2010, p.178). The War on Drugs in the Golden Triangle consists of initiatives taken by the different countries joint together to stop the illegal production, usage and transportation of drugs to the various areas of the world. Many of the efforts have been successful in the last few decades while many of them are still not. Everyday, constantly new policies and strategies are being used to be able control the drugs produced in the Golden Triangle as it is believed to be the centre of the

Friday, September 27, 2019

E-commerce Individual Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

E-commerce Individual Assignment - Essay Example Although, there has been a failure of various electronic commerce initiatives but e-commerce is still of significant use to the economy of many companies. To understand the importance of the e business in the company, the case study will focus on the Gulf Agency Company that is a global leading provider of shipping and logistics materials. However, the company does not utilize the e- business modules in an efficient and effective manner due to the challenges and threats in the industry. The case will evaluate the areas of weakness of the Gulf Agency Company due to the failure of utilizing the e -business and discuss the various e business modules that it can employ to improve the situation. Meanwhile, the case will articulate its failing of the company based on the e-business can evaluate the areas for growth and development. 2. Internal and external analysis of GAC 2.1 SWOT analysis The SWOT analysis of the GAC will help in highlighting the areas of the business inefficiencies and i neffectiveness in its current business processes due to lack of an efficient and effective e business. ... 56).Thus, the SWOT analysis assist to examine the effectiveness of management providing clear comprehending of the e business before any action is taken. The process of undertaking internal analysis closely parallels of performing external audit that is done by the company’s representatives, managers and employees. The internal look analysis is based on the management, marketing research and development and the information technology system. The significant source of the strength of the GAC in its business operation is the availability of adequate financial resources and well trained staff in functional area strategies. However, instead of the company concentrating too much on its strength it is vital to look for the weakness that would diminish the organization ability to offer quality products and services. Most of the weakness of the GAC business operations arises are recognized from the perspective of the customers so that to have an honest evaluation of the failures the c ompany is facing and will affect the future of the company. The company is currently facing the weakness of not having a proper management system in that time and balanced scorecard has not been incorporated with the tailored training of the business that make it prone to challenges. Meanwhile, in current company’s research shows that to combat the difficulties of economies of scale the company needs expansion in its business portfolios so that to reach a wider market by way of diversification of products in the market and doing mergers. Further, the interview conducted on its employees revealed that there was an inefficient and ineffective of the e-business techniques that caused problems in outsourcing. The company needed to implement outsourcing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested - Essay Example They all waited for almost 360 years and nothing changed for them, they were facing many problems like:Â  Becoming frustrated by such conditions the Negroes thought of taking a direct action because all the negotiation agreements were rejected by the Authorities. They all knew that this step would be painful but they believed that getting the freedom is never easy. So they agreed to take the big step as they all were fed up with the word Wait. They all waited for almost 360 years and nothing changed for them, they were facing many problems like:Poor were becoming poorer due to lack of opportunities. Children were not allowed go to school.Black children were not allowed to play with white kids in the same amusement park.There was no respect for black women.Public humiliation e.g. they had to sit on back of the buses and the front was for the white citizen. Always had to face the fact that A Negro is Nobody.This all was the result of unjust Law. The law constituted the differences reg arding the Whites and Blacks. According to law there were many acts which if performed by whites were legal, but illegal if done by blacks. Getting angry of all these differences the Negro finally decided to take an action. They decided to boycott the bus travels after a woman named Rosa Parks was arrested because she refused to leave her seat for a white person; according to the law, the front of the bus was for white people only and the back was for the blacks and if the bus is full and a white person gets in, the black had to stand for him.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Is Jazz Black Music Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Is Jazz Black Music - Research Paper Example It is obvious that jazz music has black origins just as obvious as classical music has European origins. European music is no longer simply European because it can be composed and played by anyone. But can this be said about jazz? This question is important because even though jazz has black origins, jazz music also has a special relationship to black people in a way European music does not have a special relationship to white people. Now that is a strange expression I have just made. But I believe in trying to answer it I will come up with reasons explaining why jazz was once a definitive black music, and why I write 'was once' in italics. One feature that jazz shares with classical music is that it is universal. This statement means nothing unless one rephrases to include something of its origin. Jazz was created by black people and it gradually or immediately became universal. 'Gradually' is used to demonstrate how it eventually was heard by others in the world and was immediately accepted as a special kind of rich music. 'Immediately' is italicized to say that it is an infectious, shoe-stamping kind of music. Of course not all of it is shoe-stamping. This is just to make a point. But jazz ballads or slow-tunes would also fall in this 'immediately-felt' felt category. The point is that some down-trodden people who were black skinned emerged their rhythm and their ability to make rich music into a white setting of harmony and rhythm. What they poured into that setting or form overtook it and produced something that was immediately appreciated by the world. That statement is itself a mouthful. But any book on jazz history would say the same. This is that jazz was created by black people who poured their feelings and their kinds of expression, which were originally and importantly African, into western music forms. That is a simple statement which put forwards in a simple way the theme of this essay identifying jazz as black music. A year or so ago, looking at a television show, there was a jazz music program on. It was rather strange because it was a Japanese jazz quartet playing music. This event cannot be compared to European classical music because today it is regularly accepted that some of the best classical string players are Japanese or of other non-white or non-European origin. A Japanese musician playing saxophone like Charlie Parker or Dexter Young would still be an anomaly as far as history goes. But this is for people who recognize history like those who can’t get over the fact that the South loss the Civil War and it was a good thing that they did. The important point that is trying to be made here is jazz as a social construction is black music in the way that the United States of America is a social construction. In fact America as a social construction has all the elements of jazz in it and, of course, even more. Where America differs or departs from jazz as a social construction is the reason why jazz is black mus ic and why it seems strange at this stage at this stage of American history to have a Japanese band play jazz. This should not be seen as a racist statement because it has already been admitted that jazz is a universal music. This means anyone so skilled can play jazz. In fact probably the skill level demanded of the music also compares it in a favorable way to European classical music. ‘European’ is used as a description only to point to the history of classical music. Today there are good

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

E-commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 4

E-commerce - Essay Example In this essay, the author claims that E-commerce often is the electronic commerce, its a kind of business in which the sale of products and solutions or both companies executed about electronic devices including the Web and other home PC networks to further improve institutional general performance. The development of e-commerce has reformed corporation across nations. From when it had been released, companies have taken gain it to, enhance essay online service products, improve their marketplace share, grow profitability and scale down shipping and delivery time. E-commerce was basically non-existent in most parts within the world. In the 21st century, rapid development of information technology and the rapid increase in information exchange have brought new drives and innovative ideas to the whole society. The wide adoption of information technology by the community has led to great changes. These changes are not simply in the context of data processing. They are changes which affe ct how we communicate with each other, how we organize our daily activities, how we educate the younger generation, and how we run the business. The development and wide adoption of information technology, computer network, and the Internet have transformed the mode of operation of many businesses, and at the same time have brought along unprecedented business opportunities. Businesses are now able to conduct transactions across geographical boundaries. One of the best essays on e-commerce. Hurry up and get your highest-A potential work just now!

Monday, September 23, 2019

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) or Texas v. Johnson (1989) Research Paper

Tinker v. Des Moines (1969) or Texas v. Johnson (1989) - Research Paper Example Selma, Alabama was the center of the Civil Rights Movement. Martin Luther King Jr. and 700 others were arrested during demonstrations against state regulations on voting. On the social front, miniskirts first made their appearance and health warnings were placed on packs of cigarettes. President Johnson signed into effect the Voting Rights Act, which ensured equality for all at the voting booth, by eliminating literacy tests and other barriers. He also signed the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which initiated Title 1, which ensured remedial education for students in need, and the Head Start Program which began in May. In December of 1965, John and Mary Beth Tinker, and Christopher Eckhardt were members of a community group against the American involvement in the Vietnam War. John, fifteen years old, and Christopher, sixteen years old, were high school students in Des Moines, Iowa. Mary Beth, John’s sister was a thirteen year old junior high student. To demonstrate their objections and to promote their support for a holiday truce, they decided to wear black armbands from December 16 to New Year’s Day (Cornell University Law School). The school authorities in Des Moines discovered in advance the plan of the students to wear the armbands, and issued a policy on December 14 stating that any student wearing armbands would be sent home and suspended until they could return to school without them. Their fear was that the armbands would create a disturbance to the school environment, especially considering that a school graduate had been killed in the Vietnam War. Two days following the issuance of the new school policy, the above-mentioned students wore the black arm bands. The students were aware in advance of the new policy. After school officials requested that they remove the armbands, they refused. The students were then sent home suspended from school, and returned

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Offshore Outsourcing and the Globalization of Australian Services Research Paper

Offshore Outsourcing and the Globalization of Australian Services - Research Paper Example The study will examine the affects of offshore outsourcing as an implication of the process of globalization on the Australian through the primary and secondary research. Liptrot suggests that â€Å"Globalization is not a phenomenon. It is not some passing trend. The present research has identified that today it is an overarching international system shaping the domestic politics and foreign relations of virtually every country, and we need to understand it†. Another view of globalization is put forward by Porter who is of the opinion that â€Å"Globalization is much like fire. The fire itself is neither good nor bad. Used properly, it can cook food, sterilize water, and heat our homes. Used carelessly, fire can destroy homes and forests in an instant†. Both of these definitions provide a newer view of globalization that is not restricted in any way. The paper tells that offshore outsourcing in Australia has remained in the spotlight for a few years now and the close ti es that Australian companies have with US-based companies serve as stimulants for offshore outsourcing in the region. The author has rightly presented that offshore outsourcing is expected to acquire momentum in Australia in the following years as globalization continues to have implications on industries around the world. While Australian has become well known for IT-based outsourcing, the region is steadily developing a reputation for outsourcing in more areas.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

First Solar Turns Sunshine into Profits Essay Example for Free

First Solar Turns Sunshine into Profits Essay Case Summary: First Solar was founded in 1999 from the Walton family. According to the Marketing Sun Power, First Solar’s mission is â€Å"to create enduring value by enabling a world powered by clean, affordable solar electricity.† (p. 90) The company manufactures solar modules, which have razor-thin cadmium telluride. They are manufactured this way because it can still produce electricity even when clouds are blocking the sun. With this product First Solar wants to promote that it is socially responsible. It not only markets its cost efficiency through solar energy, but it also helps maintain sustainability by reducing the use of fossil fuel. First Solar products have advantages with rival companies because its product does not depend on silicon wafers. Silicon wafers is the preferred product from other solar companies. Silicon wafers is a costly product and it’s also a scarce resource. Key Marketing Issues †¢Competition: In the business world competition is when businesses or firms enter the market with similar products. Per the article First Solar does not seem to have great threat of other firms, as it is the leading manufacture of solar power. First Solar uses razor-thin cadmium telluride material, while other companies use silicon wafers. Silicon is a scarce material and expensive as well. †¢Oligopoly: I would consider First Solar to be an oligopoly. Since it seems that there are few sellers that control the solar panel market. I would also say that since First Solar uses different material it has an upper hand when it comes to solar modules. This can change if different innovations enter the market. †¢Political Forces: Political force can always influence the wellbeing of a company. For example Germany and other European nations are encouraging  alternative energy and that is why Germany has become First Solar’s target market. †¢Technological Forces: Technological forces will continue to change the marketing perspective, because technology changes. Marketing strategies change to adapt and become appealable to consumers. †¢Government: Governments from various nations can influence with providing subsidies that help corporations maintain a decreased rates for solar energy. A problem that First Solar and other solar companies will have to tackle, because Germany will be reducing its subsidies soon. Personal Case Analysis As a personal analysis I was intrigued by the product differentiation between First Solar and other solar companies. Most solar companies use silicon wafers for their solar cells and panels. First Solar uses a razor-thin cadmium telluride solar cells and panels, which makes them an innovator of this product (what makes them marketable). They expect to decrease its cost to .50 cents per watt by 2014, which is 50% less than what is being paid at this moment. First Solar is not only based out of Tempe, Arizona, but it’s also marketed globally. Germany use to be its primary market, but now it is moving to the North American market. Case Questions 1-Which marketing environment forces are likely to have the greatest impact on First Solar? The greatest impacts from environmental forces are Economic Conditions (buying power), Political Forces, and Technological Forces. Economic conditions change in which can affect the buying power. A perfect example would be the subsidies that are being received in Germany. Buying condition can decrease when the subsidies are lost. Unless there is a political agenda or lobbying involved. This is when technological advancement can be improved  to provide a less costly product. 2-What types of organizations are most likely to exert the strongest competitive forces on First Solar? In order for a competitor to compete against First Solar, they would need to develop a superior product then what First Solar has produced. First Solar has produced a razor-thin cadmium telluride product that even works on cloudy days. One company that I think could bring competition would General Electric. General Electric is a well-established company that is looking into being a sustainable company and has the wealth to pursue solar panels. 3-How did technology affect First Solars responses to the changes in the marketing environment? How can it continue to maintain its technological edge in its industry? First Solar started out because of high oil prices, environmental concerns with natural resources. First Solar does not use expensive material like silicon wafers, which is a scarce material and very costly. It will continue to maintain its technological edge because it is aware that it needs continuous assessments in every aspect of the market (fossil fuel, government, technologies, innovation, and consumer demand). Conclusions: First Solar has developed a product in which reduces the use of fossil fuel and creates alternative energy. Its marketing strategy has been focused on its unique development of technology (cadmium telluride cells) and the need to provide consumers and businesses a more sustainable product with a lower cost. Due to these advantages the company can attack the market aggressively. First Solar is aware of the challenges that will arise in the future. Environmental forces keep companies always on edge, which makes them continue to improve with new technological innovations. Marketing plans need to be adjusted on a continuous basis due to changes that may arise from government, natural resources, political views and social views.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of Viewpoints on Childcare Health Practice

Effects of Viewpoints on Childcare Health Practice Naela Mahboob How do ideas about childhood and families influence practice? When looking at ideas of childhood and families we bring in various views of how practitioners and professionals can help in supporting their needs in living a good and healthy lifestyle. The main aim is to ensure that development is being promoted and that every child is included within our society. The studies give information for human/childhood behaviour, attitudes, thought patterns, predictions, age range, gender and even cultural data; which in return allow programmes to be developed towards certain age group, gender, culture and ethnicity. The study of childhood behaviour and family is the baseline study from which theorists develop their theory. One of the main theoretical frameworks used to identify childhood and family behaviour is the social constructionism theory. Through social constructionism we are able to analyse our understanding of children and families in order to help, use and create an in depth knowledge in our work with children. It is stated that ‘Social constructionism provides us with a theoretical tool that can help us look at concepts like ‘childhood’ and how these concepts inform thinking, shapes our institutions and inform policy and practice’ (K218, Learning Guide 4, Section 4.3). It is a framework that helps us to understand ideas about childhood and families and in ways in which we can improve practices with them. With frameworks as such a more positive view is taken and the importance of families and children is taken at a high standard, tackling all issues and influe ncing practices deeply. Socially constructed views can have a huge effect on practice as it allows practitioners to be able to identify in depth any arising issues and to be able to find various methods and techniques to resolve them. In order to provide good practice it is necessary to ensure that the child’s needs are put first and are met to the highest ability. In order to put the children’s needs first, practitioners need to provide scaffolding for them ensuring they fully understand the child and are aware in detail of the support that is required. Many emotional strings are attached when working with children as they are vulnerable and unaware of life situations and these ideas give practitioners stronger connections in the way they work with them. It is stated, (K218, Learning Guide 4, Section 4.3) that ‘these social constructions of children are powerful – as many of us feel very strongly when we see images of children and young people in positions of vulnerabilityâ€℠¢. Working in an environment with children creates a raft of new ideas as day to day issues may arise, which in time help in overcoming barriers, developing a better working environment. As well as this due to the lack of resources within families, many of them struggle with stress and poor mental health. Therefore practitioners should prioritise children’s health and wealth being and also guide parents by working with them to access outside support and make use of resources that are accessible to them. The involvement of parents in their child’s education is vital as they have the responsibility to influence there learning by showing support at home and taking part in educational needs. Children with no support from families are vulnerable of becoming a part of the communities’ dangerous socialites. Clearly indicting, ‘A social constructionist argument here is that, the language we use actively constructs and produces the social world in which we live’(K218, Learning Guide 4, Section 4.3). The idea now of bringing agencies to support the home and child in achieving an education has increased. Further guidelines and procedures have been put in place to reach out to parents as well as to influence children in working towards leading a good life and successful future, ensuring now that the child becomes a vital member of society. With this in place, parents are trained to contribute fully, in creating a safe environment for their children, by attending works hops, open days and parent’s evenings. Working alongside families is a crucial aspect when dealing with and taking care of children. Parents, guardians and carers play a vital role in the wellbeing of their children and they must be included within every aspect and decision making any practitioners make, with regards to their children. Practitioners have a duty of providing ongoing support to families when needed in difficult situations. It is specified that, ‘it is important that practitioners are able to assess families where there are difficulties and respond appropriately’ (K218, Learning Guide 5, Section 5.5). Thus, good practice such as observing the interactions between children and parents and also observing they live and work in. must be portrayed by practitioners to influence children’s development, so that, parents are able to take good care of the upbringing of their children. This also helps pupils develop and exceed in their own educational attainments and future wellbeing. However, the main challenges for practitioners are working and dealing with parents who are difficult or unwilling to engage with services. In many situations parents disagree with the support them or their children are being given, leading to conflicting issues. There are many reasons as to why families refuse to participate with the services, which can cause several problems for practitioners in helping them maintain their lifestyles and resolving any issues they may be facing. It is identified (K218, Learning Guide 5, Section 5) ‘working with children, young people and families inevitably involves working with families who are experiencing difficulties, and practitioners need to develop the knowledge and skills to work with these families’. A number of families may feel that they know what is best for their children and therefore are not in need of any help. As well as this many have a lack of trust in the ‘systems’ put in place, which may be due to previ ously bad experiences. To influence practices these issues need to be taken into consideration by practitioners and the knowledge of these situations needs to be a key principle. Over the years, there have been many labels attached to the concepts of childhood and families. The most common label attached to children is disability. The idea of labelling influences practice vastly when working with children and families, as being labelled as disabled often leaves children feeling separated and being looked upon differently within the society, meaning parents needing extra support it taking care of their children. ‘Supporting families where there is an identified need means working with the family as a whole rather than focusing on the needs of one member as opposed to another, although practitioners still have an obligation to assess the needs of the child’ (K218, Learning Guide 5, Section 5.4). In certain circumstances a lot of responsibility comes on the practitioners as they have to work closely alongside the family and a lot of other professionals to ensure the children are developing both mentally and physically. Those with disabilities are in need of extra attention and the need to feel included in order for them to cope. The impact this has on the child’s life can be minimised and improved through resources and professional support from practitioner agencies. The surveillance of children, young people and families has a huge impact on influencing practice. There are many advantages of the use of surveillance, through surveillance we are able to monitor families and children and identify problems they may be facing. One of the main advantages is being able to observe in detail the development of children ensuring that they are protected from any harm. Garret, 2004 ‘links the increased surveillance of children not only to the belief that children need to be protected, but also to the belief that young people need to properly prepared for the world of work, so that they can function in the ‘flexible’ labour market’ (Arai, 2011) As well as this families health and wellbeing can also be closely monitored and with the information given, sufficient amount of support can be provided. With this idea there are also some implications which families go through. One of the main issues is the pressure practitioners, families a nd children face in being looked upon continuously. If a family has been assessed as being in need of monitoring they then have to go through a lot of procedures and regular visits being observed thoroughly. With the use of social constructivist frameworks and through intense studies, programmes are piloted and when deemed successful it is then used in all institutions, via insets/training. Piloted scheme are used quite often base from studies conducted from different childhood experiences and a variety of families situations. Recently, awareness has been raised with the major changes families and children face. ‘These changes in society, family structure, attitudes and practice mean that children and young people have diverse experiences of family life’ (K218, Learning Guide 5, Section 5.2). With this board pictures and feedback from surveys, it is tailor made and created into programmes from life cases studies. Without ideas/cases studies from those areas the programmes are not reliable and success isn’t certain. One of the key challenges is responding to diversity in parenting within practice and assessment. Diversity is sometimes a difficult concept for practitioners to deal with. It is stated ‘Practitioners need to think carefully about the assumptions they make about people to make sure they treat everyone with respect and work to promote equality in the treatment and opportunities offered to all children, young people and families’ (K218, Learning Guide 6, Section 6.1). To influence practice it is necessary that practitioners promote equality and diversity within the working environment. In the Leith example we saw how, due to the social and economic changes, a more diverse community had been created in which children and young people were growing up in. The media as we know plays a huge part in exposing information and opinions on children and young people. The way in which they are seen, often has a huge impact on the way they are treated and taken care of, when working with them. To be able to work effectively with them practitioners need to adapt a positive approach and can influence the decisions taken on their behalf and how the rest of the community see them. ‘Participation involves sharing images and headlines about children and young people as well as discussing discourses of childhood and youth’(K218, Learning Guide 4, Section 4.4). The media can help in reminding people that children deserve to be respected and are permitted to equal rights as well as raising an awareness of their needs. Through the media, we are able to visualise children in depth, showing a clear understanding and seeking out ways to tackle difficult issues in order to influence practice. To be able to work effectively with them practitioner s need to adapt a positive approach by allowing the opportunity for them to be able to speak up for themselves. Our ideas of childhood and families come across a variety of experiences brought forward throughout the centuries. Working alongside families and their children has now become a central focus in ensuring their needs are being fulfilled. Many codes of practice, frameworks and guidelines have been set out to ensure good practice is being influenced conducted across all institutions to send forth a uniformed approach to the people being serviced. The change in perspective and thought about childhood and families, when designing service plans, the need of the individual, educational programme, and policy and funding decisions. In the delivery of a quality service, practitioners have to put them self aside; their crucial thinking, the way of doing things in order to best understand the people they service. With regards to the cultural differences studied, the practitioners now develop an in depth understanding behind their actions. This eliminates stereotypes and al service providers to e mbrace the diversity of young people’s cultures. References Arai, L. (2011) ‘The Surveillance of children, young people and families’ in O’Dell L. and Leverett S. (eds) Working With Children and Young People, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan/ Milton Keynes, The Open University. Kellett, J. and Apps, J. (2011) ‘Assessments of parenting and parenting support need’; in K218 Reading, Working with Children, Young People and Families, Milton Keynes, The Open University. The Open University (2011) K218 Working with Children, Young People and Families, Learning Guide 4 ‘Children, young people, childhood and youth’, The Open University, mod/oucontent/view.php?id=573719 [Accessed 29 December 2014] The Open University (2011) K218 Working with Children, Young People and Families, Learning Guide 5 ‘Children, young people’s and families’ wellbeing’, The Open University, mod/oucontent/view.php?id=604592 [Accessed 29 December 2014] The Open University (2011) K218 Working with Children, Young People and Families, Learning Guide 6 ‘Diversity, inequalities and rights’, The Open University, oucontent/view.php?id=580650 [Accessed 29 December 2014]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

John Steinbeck :: essays research papers

â€Å"John Steinbeck†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Steinbeck is one of many American literature writers, but he is one of a kind in his work. Steinbeck went through many troubles to get his work where it is now. What would you do if publishers rejected your whole short story collection? Many people would quit right there, but now john Steinbeck. He moved past that and wrote many successful collections and books. John Steinbeck was born February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. When he started out, he attended Salinas High School, followed by Stanford University. Throughout his life he moved to New York in New York City. After a short time there he moved back to California after his short story collection was rejected by the publisher in New York. He then received a job at a remote Lake Tahoe resort. In 1930, he married the first of his three wives, Carol Henning, and moved to Pacific Grove, California. In 1943, married Gwen Longer and had two kids. In 1929, he met Ed Ricketts, who would turn out to be his best friends. Ed died in 1948, which left Steinbeck very upset and lost. Steinbeck died on December 20, 1968 in New York City. Of his accomplishments, he received a Book of the Month selection for Of Mice and Men. He also received a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968. Some of his work is now in San Jose State University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first story that I read was Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Turtle.† In this story, a turtle starts off trying to make his way up onto a highway, in doing this he realizes he is not big enough to climb up onto it. He eventually uses all the strength in him and makes it up onto it. Once on there a big truck comes and runs the turtle off the highway. This forces the turtle to start the whole process once again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next story is â€Å"The Flood.† In this story, it starts off in a nice little town where not much happens. After awhile, a storm starts in and begins to take out this town. The town eventually gets flooded badly, leaving many dead and injured. Once the storm ends, the once nice town is left in a wreck.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final story would be Steinbecks â€Å" The Pearl of La Paz.† In this story, a man comes into the worn of La Paz with a so called magic pearl that would let him do anything that he wanted. John Steinbeck :: essays research papers â€Å"John Steinbeck†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  John Steinbeck is one of many American literature writers, but he is one of a kind in his work. Steinbeck went through many troubles to get his work where it is now. What would you do if publishers rejected your whole short story collection? Many people would quit right there, but now john Steinbeck. He moved past that and wrote many successful collections and books. John Steinbeck was born February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. When he started out, he attended Salinas High School, followed by Stanford University. Throughout his life he moved to New York in New York City. After a short time there he moved back to California after his short story collection was rejected by the publisher in New York. He then received a job at a remote Lake Tahoe resort. In 1930, he married the first of his three wives, Carol Henning, and moved to Pacific Grove, California. In 1943, married Gwen Longer and had two kids. In 1929, he met Ed Ricketts, who would turn out to be his best friends. Ed died in 1948, which left Steinbeck very upset and lost. Steinbeck died on December 20, 1968 in New York City. Of his accomplishments, he received a Book of the Month selection for Of Mice and Men. He also received a Nobel Prize in Literature in 1968. Some of his work is now in San Jose State University.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first story that I read was Steinbeck’s â€Å"The Turtle.† In this story, a turtle starts off trying to make his way up onto a highway, in doing this he realizes he is not big enough to climb up onto it. He eventually uses all the strength in him and makes it up onto it. Once on there a big truck comes and runs the turtle off the highway. This forces the turtle to start the whole process once again.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The next story is â€Å"The Flood.† In this story, it starts off in a nice little town where not much happens. After awhile, a storm starts in and begins to take out this town. The town eventually gets flooded badly, leaving many dead and injured. Once the storm ends, the once nice town is left in a wreck.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The final story would be Steinbecks â€Å" The Pearl of La Paz.† In this story, a man comes into the worn of La Paz with a so called magic pearl that would let him do anything that he wanted.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Impact of Warfare, Religion, and Social Stratification on City-Building

Impact of Warfare, Religion, and Social Stratification on City-Building In both ancient and contemporary human societies, one can witness the cultural creations of warfare, religion, and social stratification interacting to help form and perpetuate the existence of each other. In addition, these cultural factors have lent themselves to help produce, regulate, and justify specific technologies. These technologies may be either destructive or beneficial to human societies economically and/or environmentally, and can have a very wide range of function. Technologies can in turn influence warfare, religion, and social stratification so as to increase the importance of these aspects of culture in society. In this paper, I seek to explore the relationships between warfare, religion, and social stratification, and their important influences on city-building in ancient times and today. As early societies began to group together and form conglomerations of people that eventually became towns and cities, they discovered a ‘need’ for warfare in order to protect and expand their territories, resources, and populations. In the words of Ehrlich, it is important to remember that â€Å"(c)onnecting ‘genes for aggression’†¦to the actions of warring governments is a bit of a stretch, just as would be connecting genes for conciliations to the deployment of United Nations peacemakers (Ehrlich 260).† Basically, Ehrlich wants us to realize that there are no â€Å"war† or â€Å"peace† genes, but that cultural micro- and macro-evolutionary conditions (that is, societal or environmental conditions) may drive a group of people to be either warring or peaceful. With the development of warfare came the development of religion. A causative relationship is... ...a, especially slaves, would have been the people who would have physically labored to build the cities. In this way, social stratification played a major role in the rise of ancient Greek cities. In conclusion, the cultural components of warfare, religion, and social stratification have not only interacted to help create and perpetuate each other, but they have also heavily influenced technologies such as city-building in ancient Greece. Though the emphasis on the different factors changes with evolving cultural and environmental climates, they are still present to some degree in Western culture today. Works Cited Chant, Colin. Pre-Industrial Cities and Technology. London: Routledge, 1999. Ehrlich, Paul. Human Natures. Washington, D.C.: Island Press, 2000 Southwick, Charles. Human Impacts on Planet Earth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An Analysis of Foot Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army

Pyeong G. Lim Dr. Christian History 1305 March 21, 2013 Summary of â€Å"Foot Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army† In the essay â€Å"Foot Soldiers of the Revolutionary Army† by Gary B. Nash, the authors of the book tell of a Private Joseph Plumb Martin that kept a diary that details the life and hardships that the soldiers endured. Martin writes, â€Å"The army was now not only starved but naked. The greatest part were not only shirtless and barefoot but destitute of all other clothing, especially blankets. (Gary Nash 124) The blacks were involved given the chance to receive freedom, which did not follow through completely. Although the colonies needed men for the army, these two simple sentences exposed the truth that people didn’t know at the time and even now. The leadership of the army knew this would be the case, which is the main reason that the terms of enlistment were so short during the war unlike the minimal 8 years contract in the army now.Although th e life in the army improved the soldiers had to endure such environment as, â€Å"shivering with cold upon bare floors without a blanket to cover them, calling for fire, for water, for suitable food, and for medicines- calling in vain. † Having to withstand all these misfortune, the soldiers were anything but humble in their conception of rights. The soldiers warned the generals of desertion if they were not properly taken care of, so the â€Å"severest Punishment† was placed to counter threat the soldiers.However, this did not last as â€Å"even in Washington’s handpicked Life Guard, eight soldiers deserted during the war. † As the war dragged out, eventually, Washington reopened the Continental army to free blacks with congressional approval. Slaves were still forbidden, yet five hundred free black men served in the war. It started with Massachusetts than to Rhode Island. Even with the blacks joining, Mother Nature did not see lightly of them, â€Å"By early 1778, the regiments were close to disintegration, their pay in arrears, uniforms tattered, and ranks thinned by disease. In February, all blacks were able to join the army with the consent of their owners in exchange for freedom. The white men found this proposal too good to turn down since the slaves would relieve them of army duty. The war continued with victory earned by the â€Å"Black Regiement who stromed through the moat and heavily fortified redoubts. † White men and blacks had hardship through out the war, but above all, despite all the blacks who were involved in the war, â€Å"only one third of the former slaves survived to taste freedom as civilians. †

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sociology of Sports – Baseball

There are several theoretical perspectives of looking at sports from the sociology of sports view including conflict, functionalist, interactions, and feminist. The most useful though, in looking at the sociology of sports is the functionalist view. Functionalist regard sports as an almost religious institution that uses ritual and ceremony to reinforce the common values of a society (Ekern, 2013). This means that functionalist view sports by the competition and patriotism of the younger generation and assist in maintaining a person’s physical condition. Not only do sports function as a safety valve for the viewers and the athletes for shedding destructive and tension energy in a way that is socially acceptable, but sports also assist in the joining of members of a community. The functionalist view seems to be the most appropriate over the other views in examining the sociology of sports. There are many reasons why the functionalist view is the most useful to use in viewing the sociology of sports. A big reason why the functionalist view is better is because many small communities spread throughout the world are built upon sports, especially in small communities that are not near any big cities. Sports are all they have in common and motivate the communities. Another reason is that the spectators and athletes always act in a different manner when they are either watching the sport or playing it, which is usually in an aggressive manner. When they are not watching the sport or discussing it they are usually completely different people. The last good reason is that it does help to maintain a person’s physical appearance, whether it is athletes staying in shape so they can be in top condition to compete or people that are ran by the idea of sports and want to stay in shape just like the athletes do. Sociology of sports, also referred to as sports sociology, is the study of the relationship between sports and society (Crossman, 2013). Aside from the functionalist view on sports sociology there other areas of study that are closely looked at, such as sports and gender, sports and media, and sports and gender and identity. Sports and gender targets man and women playing sports. Women were not even allowed to play sports until after the 1930’s because it was considered too masculine for them. Even in today’s age you never hear of women playing football or hockey, except maybe as a kid at school, and that is even very rare. Nowadays though in some sports they have a men’s team and a women’s team, such as basketball. There are even women that train in wrestling and boxing. The media is also another study of the sociology of sports that plays the games on the television. While the media will cover the men on football, basketball, baseball, hockey, boxing and pro wrestling, the sports that are usually covered for the women are figure skating, diving, gymnastics, and skiing. The media will also keep the audiences informed of player’s accomplishments and achievements. The gender identity of sports is another topic that often looked at because of sports having gender specific roles that is acceptable by society. Women are generally always treated more harshly in sports than men especially at younger ages. One reason that sports engage scholarly interests is because of the teaching of important values (Lewis, 2008). Sports sociology has studied higher education and sport and sport as a functional alternative to religion. Gender and racial discrimination in sports have also been studied, as well as social mobility on the basis of sport success that includes race and gender Another area that has been studied is the social problems of the sport that includes drugs, sports violence, and injuries. As you can see, all areas and aspects of sports, whether it was in the past or present day have been studied and as always to any debate everyone has a different view and perspective. There is no right or wrong answers to the sociology of sports, just opinions on different circumstances. The reason that people participate in sports, whether it is a fan, player, or a business is for the love of the sport and the profits. Some people just love the sport, while others try to make as big a profit as they can. Sports answer to a humans needs by providing a competitive entertaining experience. Sports can be explained from a sociological point of view as a necessity to most community’s different needs and circumstances. Baseball is a favorite pastime that dates as far back as 2000 B. C. with a ball and stick type games. However, the first rules were written by Alexander Cartwright, considered to be the Father of modern baseball (Penn, 2006). Alexander was part of the NY Knickerbockers, which was the first organization to play baseball in America that was established on September 23, 1845. In 1858, the National Association of Base Ball Players (NABBP) were created and known as the first baseball league. It wasn’t until 1860 though, that it was commonly referred to as â€Å"the National pastime† in several publications. Baseball is one of America’s most played sports and continually competitive against other teams and between individuals, especially in today’s age of baseball. The Sociodemographic description of fans and players of baseball is simple. The average MLB player rakes in over $2,000,000 a year if they are eligible for arbitration, which could come from disparate socioeconomic groups and from different countries. The average fan has an income of 30,000 to 40,000 a year and the high up luxury seats are for professionals that are in a very high income bracket and the corporate types. Being that baseball is very popular and has a very high income potential, it is definitely a professional sport. Baseball fits in to contemporary American life by giving fans something to always talk about. This sport gives society a certain set of values that fans and players live by. There are also culture trends that have impacted the sport of baseball. In fact, look at the roster of just about any Major League Baseball team, and you’ll find many of the most talented players coming from Latin American countries (Thomas, 2007). The media constantly reports on baseball, which gives the fans something to always talk, such as if they lost or won a game. If you look at the players, most of them are younger in age and usually are not over 40. All major league players are also male, which affect the views for the fans on the sport. As a beginning sociologist, the meaning of baseball as a social institution is very clear. Baseball is talked about, whether it is off season or every game, either loss or win, that gives fans something to always talk about. Over half of America enjoys this past time and every single one of them has their own opinion, depending on their team of choice and the opposing teams. Baseball is a sport that is great to attend in person, in order to get the full effect of the national past time. The baseball game that I had the chance of observing was the Rangers versus the Angels. The setting of the baseball field was split between the Ranger fans, which was a home game and the Angels fans. The field was a big diamond shape with for bases that the players have to run after a successful hit to the ball that the pitcher is throwing at them. There were also players from the opposing team that were stationed at each base and in the field closer to the stands. I notice that the environment changed drastically after each successful hit that made it close to the stands. Most of the fans would stand with excitement and all the players would scramble to get the ball and the player that hit it would try to run to as many bases before the is taken control of. The fans that were at the game that I attended were in their mid 20s to early 40s. The fans were a majority of men, but there were women there too. It seemed like a majority of the fans also wore their favorite player shirts and got excited every time the player hit the ball. It seemed that the fans age ration compared to the players were on the same levels. Most baseball player retires by time their 40, so the age comparison was evenly matched, from what I saw. The social behaviors that stood out were most fans would purchase a hot dog and beer from the concessions. It is always tradition to purchase a hot dog†, some of the fans would say. Fans would also be in groups for supporting their favorite teams. One special language and knowledge that characterizes the sport is Home Run. One particular behavior that I witnessed at the game was that when one team is winning the fans are excited and cheering and when their favorite team is losing they are booing and unhappy. Being at th e Rangers game made me aware of people’s behavior and surroundings and was a great experience to participate in. Sports use to be a big part of my life when I was a kid. I can remember collecting the Tops baseball cards with the hard piece of gum in it. It seems that every time I got some money I would go purchase the cards. Now that I look back, I realize that was my sociology behavior of being a fan. I also played baseball in school a lot, as well as other sports, such as football and basketball. When I was playing my attitude always changed to a competitive nature and I always got the mindset of crushing the opposing team. When I look back, I was two different people when I switched from a fan to a player and vice versa. The experiences of being a fan and a player as a kid didn’t have a huge impact to my adult life. I think that maybe that I played and watched sports too much as a kid, because I don’t have much interest in sports in my adult life. I read the newspaper to learn who wins and who is playing, but that is about it. I just learn enough to hold a conversation with my coworkers and friends and that’s it. So I guess the role that it plays in my life is that I played and watched it so much that it has caused me to lose interest in it. I can see how my experiences can connect me to others who are sports fans and participants. Sports are very big for kids in school and always have been. Most kids have shared the experiences that I have growing up. I’m not sure if they still sell Tops, but nonetheless kids are easily influenced and they do what everyone else is doing. Since so many adults like to watch sports and participate, it is a good assumption to say that most kids participate in some way or another, whether it is being a fan or participating in the sport itself. References Crossman, A. (2013). Sociology of Sports. Retrieved from Ekern, J. (2013). Looking at Sports from Four Theoretical Perspectives. Retrieved from Article at Colorado Technical University Online. Lewis, J. (2008). Sociology of Sports. Retrieved from Kent State University at Penn, F. (2006). Early History of Baseball in America. Retrieved from Favorite Traditions. Com at Thomas, W. (2007). Sports – How Culture Impacts Our Choices. Retrieved from Ezine Articles at—How-Culture-Impacts-Our-Choices&id=932334.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Zenith of Islamic Art and Architecture in Iran

VISUAL ART OF PERSIA BY: KHUSHBOO MEHBOOB course title: ZENITH OF ISLAMIC ART & ARCHITECTURE IN IRAN 1. Painting 2. Miniature 3. Calligraphy ? 1. 2. Painting Miniature Nushirvan Eating Food Brought by the Sons of Mahbud: Folio from the Shahnama (Book of Kings), Ilkhanid period (1206–1353), 1330s Iran, Tabriz Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paper Nushirvan Receives Mihras, Envoy of Caesar: Folio from the Shahnama (Book of Kings), Ilkhanid period (1206–1353), ca. 1300–1330 Iran or Iraq Ink, opaque watercolor, and gold on paperKamal-od-Din Behzad Of Herat School, â€Å"Khamseh Nezami† Baysunghur's_Shahname †¢ Garden Scene, Aq Quyunlu period (1396–1508), ca. 1430 Iran, possibly Tabriz Opaque watercolor and gold on undyed silk Khusraw being cared for by Shirin, Safavid miniature painting, Iran, 17th century Allegory of Worldly and Otherworldly Drunkenness: Folio from the Divan (Collected Poems) of Hafiz, Safavid period (1501–1722), ca. 15 31–33 Sultan Muhammad (Iranian, active first half of 16th century) Iran, Tabriz Opaque watercolor, ink, and gold on paperSaki by Reza Abbasi from the Moraqqa’ e Prince Muhammad-Beik by Reza Abbasi Golshan 1609 Golestan Palace Mollahs in the presence of Nasser-ed-Din Shah Qajar, Iran Fat‘? -‘Ali Shah Qajar, in 1798 3. Calligraphy A Calligraphic Panel in Nastaliq Script. Iran. Dated 1021 AH / 1612 AD. Signed Ahmad Al-Hosseini Qur'an of Ibrahim Sultan, dated 1427; Timurid Iran (Shiraz) Ink, colors, and gold on paper An Illuminated Quran, Iran. Dated 734 AH / 1333 -1334 AD. Mir Emad Hassani (1554 – 1615) Nizam Ganjavi's Khamsa. Iran.Dated 875 AH / 1471 AD. Book of Prayers, commissioned by Fath ‘Ali Shah Persia, Qajar, 19th century, Arabic text in naskh script within gold clouds, interlinear Persian translation; lacquer binding with gold floral design Octagonal Qur’an Case, Persia, Qajar, 19th century, decorated with calligraphic Qur’a nic inscriptions and prayers Lacquer Pen-box, signed by Muhammad al-Sultani, Persia, probably Isfahan, Safavid, 17th century, cartouches containing inscriptions in nastaliq script, and decorated with gold foliate motifsStand for a Qur'an manuscript, Muzzafarid period (1314–93), dated a. h. 761 / a. d. 1360 Made by Hasan ibn Sulaiman al-Isfahani Iran or Central Asia Wood (teak); carved, painted, inlaid THREE SAMANID CALLIGRAPHIC POTTERY BOWLS NISHAPUR, EASTERN IRAN, 10TH CENTURY Each with brown slip painted decoration around the cavetto over white ground, one ‘signed' Ahmad in its centre and inscribed baraka wa yumn wa surur wa sa(‘a)da wa sala(ma), one with stylized bird in its centre 9 7/8in. (25. 3cm. ) diam. (max. ) (3) Mihrab (prayer niche), Ilkhanid period (1206–1353), a. . 755 / a. d. 1354– 55 Iran, Isfahan Mosaic of polychrome-glazed cut tiles on stonepaste body; set into mortar Safavid Cut Steel Panel. Iran. Late 10th century AH / 16th centur y AD Illustrated A Pair of Antique Persian Isfahan Qalamkar Blocked Print & Painting in the Center with Persian Calligraphy at top Wall Hanging Carton. Qajar Dynasty iranian calligraphy on coins Helmet, late 15th century; A Silver Inlaid Brass Bowl. West Iran. 8th century AH / 14th Century AD Casket, brass with inlaid gold and silver, Iran, 1300-1350 Thanks

About Boosie

It was notorious for drugs and violence, a place feared by the general population. Boosie grew up with his mom and dad who nicknamed him after the '70s funk legend, Bootsy Collins. Although being raised by both of his parents was a rarity in his neighborhood, Boosie still struggled with dysfunction inside and outside of his home. Around the time he was starting high school, Boosie decided to come clean on wax about some of the trouble he was getting into, â€Å"l started rapping on tracks whenI was like 14 or 15, I was rapping before that but I Just didn't let anybody know 'cause I thought I wasn't good enough. † At fourteen years old, Boosie moved in to live with his grandmother after his father was murdered in drug-related activity. [2] Boosie became very involved in basketball to stay off the streets while attending high school and was actually expected to move on to college level basketball, but his involvement with drugs got him expelled from school. After being expelled from school, Boosie became serious about his music.Consequently, Boosie's residency in Baton Rouge, hich lacked a music scene, disadvantaged him from creating a diverse set of contacts and subsequently a lack of exposure. A mutual friend of Boosie and local rapper, C-Loc, introduced the two and before Boosie knew it, he was recording his homemade raps in a professional studio. Lil Boosie Mobile Desktop Content is available under CC BY-SA 3. 0 unless otherwise noted. Terms of use Privacy Search Wikipedia Lil Boosie Birth name Torrence Hatch Born November 14, 1982 (age 31) Origin Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U. S.Genres Southern hip hop Occupations Rapper Years active 998-present Labels Trill, Asylum, Bad Azz Entertainment, WMG Associated acts C- Loc, Pimp C, Webbie, Foxx, LoLa Monroe, Trae Tha Truth, C-Murder Website BoosieJustice. com Torrence Hatch (born November 14, 1982), better known by his stage name Lil Boosie, is an American rapper from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. [1] Hatch was bestow ed the nickname Boosie by his family, and he was raised in southside Baton Rouge. He is currently serving time in the Louisiana State Penitentiary (Angola); Hatch was sentenced to eight years after pleading guilty to drug charges.I was like 14 or 5, I was rapping betore that but I Just didn't let anybody know 'cause homemade raps in a professional studio. [3] 1998-2001 : Camp Life & Youngest of tha Camp Boosie became serious about his music, deciding to become a professional rapper. Lil Boosie teamed up with Baton Rouge rapper C-Loc in the late 1990s. He started off as the youngest member of the Concentration Camp at the age of only 14. Boosie Joined the Concentration Camp group in 1998, after the release of the group's second studio album Concentration Camp II: Da Halocaust. He worked with rapper C-Loc and theCamp ; made his debut on C-Loc's fifth album, It's a Gamble in 2000 under his old alias Boosie and Concentration Camp third studio album Camp Ill : Thug Brothas in 2000. Soon after, he released Youngest Of Da Camp, his debut album in 2000 on Camp Life Entertainment. The album spread like wildfire, and was widely known in Baton Rouge. At the time of this album's recording, Boosie was only 17 years old. The album production was mostly handled by Happy Perez. The album featured C-Loc, Max Minelli & Donkey and more. After the incarceration, Boosie once again turned back to the streets.Ultimately, his behavior led to him also being incarcerated. The album sold 13, 000 units. 2001-2003: Trill Entertainment & For MY Thugz At this point, Boosie felt as though he was a failure. However, fate lent Boosie a hand, and Boosie had an opportunity to Join an up-and-coming record label called Trill Entertainment which was backed by its CEO the late Pimp C of IJGK in 2001. Trill signed Boosie and assisted him in bringing his legal issues to an end. Soon after, Trill independently released his debut album For My Thugz as his new alias Lil Boosie in 2002. 1] This release we nt on to sell over 15,000 copies. As of 2013, the album has sold 90,000 copies, according to Trill Entertainment. The album features Pimp C, Young Bleed, Webbie and more. 2003-2005: Ghetto Stories, Gangsta Muzik & Warner Bros. Later in the summer of 2003, Pimp C teamed up Booste to co-star with one of his label-mates, Webbie, on the album Ghetto Stories. The album also went on to sell well over 15,000 copies. As of 2013, the album has sold 120,000 units. In 2004, Lil ie & Webbie released T II Azz Mixtape & Trill Azz Mixes II. They treestyled over the hottest songs of 2004.Boosie paired up again with Webbie, to release their econd compilation album, Gangsta Musik. This is what really gained him popularity. According to Trill, the album sold 320,000 copies. Boosie's talent was now undeniable, and he caught the eye of some Universal Music Group representatives. In 2004 Lil Boosie ; South Coast Coalition released Both Sides of the Track. January 1, 2005 Boosie teamed up with Lava House Records to release United We Stand, Divided We Fall. He also released Street Code with Pat Lowrenzo. In 2005, Lil Boosie release Bad Ass (Advance) to promote Bad Azz. In late January 2005, Boosie signed a deal withWarner Bros. Records. [2] 2006-2008: Bad Azz ; Survival of the Fittest In early 2006 Trill release Bad Ass Mixtape Vol. l as a follow up to (Bad Ass Advance). In 2006, Boosie's major label debut album Bad Azz was released. [1] It contained the single â€Å"Zoom† featuring Yung Joc. A Bad Azz DVD followed where the rapper explained the death of his father due to drugs and his fght against diabetes. Late in the year, the Streetz Iz Mine mixtape appeared in cooperation with DJ Drama. In 2007 Lil Boosie release Bad Azz Mixtapes Vol. 2. In 2007, Boosie & Webbie was on the remix f â€Å"Wipe Me Down† by rapper Foxx.It was put on the Trill Entertainment compilation album Survival of the Fittest, which was released in 2007. In 2008 Boosie release Da Beginning Mixtape . At Lil Boosie 4th Of July Bash party he past out his new mixtape 4th Of July Bash. December 2008 Lil Boosie release Lil Boosie Presents: Da Click which feature Da Click consist of Hatch Boy, Locco, Quick & Sleek. It also popularized Lil Boosie's career as well. In 2008, Lil Boosie was featured on the single â€Å"Independent† by Webbie and was among several rappers to be featured on â€Å"Out Here Grindin† by DJ Khaled. 09: Superbad: The Return of Boosie Bad Azz ; Bad Azz Entertainment In 2009 Boosie released The Return Of Mr. Wipe Me Down as a promotion mixtape to his second major album. In 2009, Lil Boosie released the follow up to Lil Boosie Presents: Da Click called Da Click: â€Å"Street Kingz. In 2009, Lil Boosie released his second major album Superbad: The Return of Boosie Bad Azz. The first single from the album, â€Å"Better Believe It†, featured Webbie and Young Jeezy. There were promotional music videos from the album such as â€Å"I'm a Dog† & â€Å"Loose as a Goose†. Also in 2009, Lil Boosie had presented his debut label Bad Azz Entertainment.Lil Boosie released Thug Passion on his Bad Azz Entertainment label in 2009. Lil Boosie release Category 7: Bad Azz Hurricane with Hurricane Chris and Untouchable with LoLa Monroe. Lil Boosie also released The 25th Hours mixtape which on the interlude he speak on his prison term. 2010: Incarcerated In 2010 Lil Booste & C-Loc his former CEO release Unbreakable as a Compilation CD. ie nas announced while ne is still in prison on charges ot murder and conspiracy, and potentially facing the death penalty, he wants to move forward with his hip hop career. Boosie released his fourth studio album, Incarcerated, onSeptember 28 on Asylum Records. According to MTV News, the project is almost entirely produced by B. J. , although Mouse on Tha Track did some work on it as well. Webbie, Foxx and Lil Trill are among the featured guests. [4] Lil Boosie released Gone Til' December in 20 10, which is a mixtape album consisting of new music. Bad Azz Entertainment released ShouldVe Been My Beatz. Lil Boosie released 22504 with B. G.. In 2011 Quick release Hit After Hit 3 with Lil Boosie. In 2012 My Brother's Keeeper was released with Money Bagz & Quick. Also Under Investigation was released as a free ownload with Ray Vicks. 013-present: TBA In January 2013 Lil Booste spoke on his prison sentence and said, On September 13, 2013 it was reported that, Judges related to his case agreed to return Lil Boosie, his hard drives and his computers. The equipment contains a lot of music he had recorded before going to Jail, which could result in new music from him prior to his release. Jeff Weiss, who covered Boosie's trial for Rolling Stone, also reported that Boosie's attorneys believe that he will be released within the next five months. [5] Read in another language Last modified 13 hours agoEarly life Music career † â€Å"I have about 500 songs at the moment. I feel th at I'm making the best music I've ever made. The more I go through in life the better my music gets and it's been crazy the last three years. I keep my music heartfelt and stick to making real music. I wouldn't even say it's Hip Hop music. My music is ‘reality rap. ‘ Hip Hop music can make you dance and bob your head, but it can't make you cry or touch your heart like reality rap†.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Analysis of Sound of Silence

Lack of communication: An analysis of â€Å"The Sound of Silence† â€Å"Sounds of Silence is an album by Simon and Garfunkel, released on January 17, 1966† [ (wikipedia) ]. This is a beautiful song composed with wonderful choices of words. Behind this beautiful song with melodious rhythm, there is a big message in the lyrics. In this poem, Simon presents the speaker who speaks about communication. The idea of lack of communication builds up throughout this poem. This poem conveys a message that there is a lack of real communication in the people.The poet multiple uses of words in this poem have a significant meaning and strongly support the thesis above. The multiple uses of â€Å"I† imply that he wants the reader to be the particular person he is referring to in the poem. â€Å"I’ve come to talk with you again. † and â€Å"Left its seeds while I was sleeping† in the beginning of the poem relates silence with the speaker (lines 2-4). The dark ness meaning silence in this poem is speaker’s old friend. He knows the silence very well. Similarly, the multiple use of ‘and’ provides reasoning and supports for the writer’s argument.For example, in the lines â€Å"And the vision that was planted in my brain†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. the sound of silence†, the speaker argues that the environment he has created is still inside his brain and thus is not exposed yet (5-7). The speaker also uses the word ‘people’ many times. â€Å"People† in this poem refers to all the common people without being concerned to any individuals (17-19). In this context, people refer to those mass who are communicating with each other without any emotional feelings. The poem describes people’s way of communicating in several lines.Through the lines below, Simon wants the speaker to know how people are sharing information with no value. The following section is most important because they con vey the speaker’s main message: â€Å"People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dared Disturb the sound of silence† (17-21). In this stanza, â€Å"People† being used three times indicates that the speaker is talking about common people of a nation where they are ruled by some dictators or harsh leader where public opinions have no any value and the freedom is snatched from the people.People are talking but they do not know what they are talking about. Their speech does not have any meaning and they are uttering words just because they are told to do so. They hear the words without interpreting them and are ready to accept whatever the leader commands without realizing the results. They know this fact, and can distinguish between right and wrong but they confine their emotions within themselves never sharing those ideas to others. They fear that silence which is their old friend will b e broken. Throughout the essay, Simon wants the speaker to know how people are really lacking communication and how it going to affect them.The speaker blames people for not having real communication. By characterizing common people as â€Å"Fools†, the speaker argues that the people are going dumb without having a good communication media (22). Lack of communication make people stupid because they are unaware what is going on in the world. Using the word fool, speaker stresses how important communication is. People really turn numb without communication. It is only through communication, knowledge is shared and people are aware of many things happening in the world.The narrator continues â€Å"Silence like a cancer grows† (23). The use of this phrase suggests us that no communication is as dreadful as cancer. When someone is silent for a long time, it becomes a habit and the victim may not even notice that. Like there is no any treatment for cancer, it is very hard to convince the people who are living without any communication for a long time. Thus, the speaker’s suggestions do not work in this case too. He tries to convince the people and bring an awareness in them as he says â€Å"Hear my words†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. reach you† (24-25).But nobody accepts the speaker’s suggestions and these suggestions come back to him like he says in his poem â€Å"And echoed In the wells of silence† (20-21). In the lines, â€Å"And the people bowed†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦neon god they made† (29-30), the poet presents Neon God as a technology. People depend on technologies thinking they are more important because they make their work easier. People today spend much time in text messages, cell phones and chatting, and these are all what the narrator points as talking without speaking and hearing without listening. People have forgotten the real communication. The real ommunication is when there are feelings, when people share ide as face to face. But people are busy in enjoying the technology without thinking about its harmful consequences. Through this poem, the speaker creates the environment where there is silence everywhere. He dramatizes a community of people where people do not communicate actually. Lack of communication creates an illusion in people. People always worship technologies but never put an effort for real communication. This poem can be a good media to show the importance of real communication and bring awareness among the general people.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Abraham Lincoln and the Telegraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Abraham Lincoln and the Telegraph - Essay Example For instance, in 1962, the president of the United States telegraphed a military general in the battlefield of second Manassas (Bull Run). Abraham Lincoln was exhausting the new mode of automated communications in an unparalleled manner to modernize the nature of state leadership. Since information moved at much greater rates than on foot, the military became more convoluted and facilitated the transformation of the medium industry to an entirely new level. Abraham Lincoln was the first President to use this technology in a time of crisis, putting the fate of the nation back in the hands of the nation’s leaders and allowing for instantaneous strategic modifications. This essay seeks to discuss how Abraham Lincoln's use of the telegraph revolutionized warfare by revolutionizing national leadership in the Civil War. The Telegraph and Abraham Lincoln Before telegraphy, the urgency for communication was not so much complex. Telegraphy revolutionized communication in long distances since it beat the physical exchange of letter. With this, Abraham Lincoln made great strides in his national leadership through the use of this technology. Through this, he revolutionalised national leadership and secured his status during the civil war ear in the United States. When Lincoln reached the 1861 inaugural, there were no current telegraph networks to the War Departments and even in the White House (Allen et al. 112). This situation did not prevail for long since rapid changes were implemented. Wires were mounted in the War Department and other related important installations virtually straightaway. During this time, the telegraph room in the war department was considered Abraham Lincoln’s favorite. He spent much of his time in this room strategizing the war and doing his personal time. Interestingly, the white house had no telegraph system and Lincoln made numerous visits to the war department’s cipher room. It is in this quiet seclusion that Lincoln did h is introspection about the war, brewing new ideas and strategies. Here, he would have some quiet, undisturbed and undivided attention while thinking of the way forward for the war. In the telegraph room, he awaited inpor6ant news and messages from the ground. The forecasts and messages gave him the exactness of the activities of this dragging war. Clearly, this was a challenging time for Lincoln, the translation of these cyphers, the development of the new type of communication and the dynamism of the war, the loss of lives in battle and the little victories. All this he had to take in at the same time. This needs a real heart to take in without feeling overwhelmed. With this influx of information, Lincoln pondered on every little communications he received without leaving anything to chance. All these military and political messages needed to be addressed for the good of the public. The telegraph turned out to be a tool to triumph the war and the symbol that will move the country t o the declaration of emancipation. Importance of the Telegraph Communication The setting up and use of telegraph communication was essential, during the American Civil War. Despite the rising interest for the new technology, during that time, the telegraph's potential was acknowledged with uncertainty and was not that much appreciated. The commencement of the work was not easy because personnel had to be assembled to attend to its use and implementation. However, Lincoln used this opportunity to tap and capitalize on electric communications. This is seen as something significant because it is used without preference and was majorly used, during in a time, where war was waged, during the Civil War (Hochfelder 231). Through telegraph communi

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cultural diversity in the workplace Research Paper

Cultural diversity in the workplace - Research Paper Example It has always been a good sign within any organization when employees find it easy to communicate with one another. It allows for fresh ideas to flow and linkages become easier to manage. Any company that fosters multicultural relationships eventually reaps the benefits in the long run (Cox, 1994). On the same footing, the organizations which lack the basic skills of getting along with their employees lose out on quite a few tangents. If employees feel that they are being looked after well and that they continue to grow along with one another, it becomes a very attractive proposition for them to stay with such an organization for quite a long period of time. Also they have positive things to say about such multicultural diversity realms that have come about within the organizational levels. When employees have good relationships existing within their fore, they find it easier to work along. This brings in more productivity for the organization which essentially helps everyone to grow and develop. Good relations immensely allow for effectiveness and efficiency to reign in as and when required. This means that the employees feel that they are not made to work while being caged but they feel free and relaxed whilst working at their best. This is a good omen for the organization because it then knows that its employees are growing along together, and working to their best to foster relationships that would eventually boost the basis of the business from a strategic viewpoint. When employees come from different backgrounds, they bring with them a plethora of knowledge and skills which are specific to their respective natures. Similarly their cultural values are transferred quite easily towards a multicultural diverse setting which has prospered within the organization. The need is to understand where success lies and how to derive it for the best possible results in the long run. This will set the ball rolling for the employees and give them the much needed edge tha t they so require. Also it will tell all concerned how serious the organizational environment is in terms of fostering relationships and what this means for the sake of the business in the long run. It indeed is a win-win situation which needs to be studied, properly analyzed and then taken into consideration before being implemented in a head on fashion. When creativity is much desired, diversity resolves this issue instantly. This is because diversity allows the people to come from different backgrounds and thus explore the basis of creatively tackling a problem at hand. It also gives the permission to find out alternatives which might not have come about if diversity was absent. Any organization that knows the true value of creativity would always give its employees a chance to express themselves and this can only happen when there is a workforce which is open to understand each other better. Business creativity gets enhanced when people hailing from different backgrounds give in their side of the experience which essentially is a success factor (Boyett & Conn, 1992). This makes the organization feel proud that it offered the multicultural workforce a chance to express themselves, which came about in the form of creativity within the business ranks. It always allows the top management to find out where they can explore new options and how the routes can be envisaged for the same. Some